For 20 years, Grand Concerts has produced concerts featuring world-renowned classical music artists.
With your donation and sponsorships, Grand Concerts can continue to bring world-class performers to our beautiful Colorado mountains. Your gift of sponsorship or an individual donation enriches the arts in Grand County and is vital to our continued success and growth. Please consider a tax-deductible donation to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization today to keep Colorado classical music alive.
Business Sponsors
Support classical music in the Colorado mountains by sponsoring Grand Concerts.
Individual Donations
Your gift of a donation enriches the arts in Grand County and is vital to our continued success.
Donate Housing
Support for Colorado classical music by providing housing to visiting artists.
Volunteer Your Time
The gift of volunteering your time is priceless and helps keep us running as a nonprofit.
In-kind Sponsors
Have a product or service you want to offer? Get connected and collaborate.
Scholarship Fund
Annual $1000 scholarship awarded to a Grand County graduating senior.
Youth Outreach
Support getting Grand County students involved with classical music.
Join the Board
Join the Board and help keep Grand Concerts going for another 20 years!
Our Community Sponsors
We are always looking for opportunities to partner with our community. As we embark on a new future for our organization, we are refreshing our brand, building our presence within the community, and actively seeking new relationships to help ensure Grand Concerts is around for another 20 years. Thank you to our sponsors for supporting Colorado classical music.